Content of this site


The content you will find on this site or the content you can write on is mentioned :

  • Information of Foreign Mission in Bangladesh: On this category you will find verified information about All foreign Mission in Dhaka, including address, telephone number, fax number and email address, office hours and details about who is the head of the mission
  • Welcome Message: In this section you will find messages, speeches from the head of mission.
  • Biography : On this category you will find the life sketch of the head of mission.
  • News and Events: In this section you will get Mission news, press notes, all kinds of events such as: National Day news and all the workshops organized by the Mission.
  • Visa & Consular Guide: In this menu you will find visa, consular and business related guidelines for different countries.
  • Feature and Article: In this section you will find articles on religion, history, travel, country introduction, biographies of famous people and various features of life of different peoples of the world.
  • Festival Greetings: In this section, you will find greeting messages of various festivals including Eid, New Year, Puja, Christmas from the head of mission.
  • Condolence: In this section, you will find various condolence messages of the heads of missions on the dead persons of political, business dignitaries holding the highest level of the country.

Enjoy it!


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