oman ambassador

Personal and Professional Profile of Oman Ambassador Abdul Ghaffar Bin Abdul Karim Al-Bulushi to Dhaka

Personal and Professional Profile

Name : H.E. Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Bin Abdul Karim Al-Bulushi

Date of Birth : 03/12/1964

Present position : Ambassador, Head of Mission.

Academic Qualifications: Obtained Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the University of Arizona.

Professional Experience:

  • Year 1988 : Appointed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and later joined the Cabinet of the Ministry.
  • Year 1990 : Transferred to the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, Washington.
  • Year 1998 : Deputy Head of Mission at the Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations Commission in Geneva.
  • Year 2004 : Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, Berlin
  • Year 2012 : Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, Rome.
  • Year 2018 : Minister Plenipotentiary at the Minister’s Office

Courses undertaken:

  • Second Meeting of the Contact Group to combat the Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS)
  • “NATO and the Middle East” at the Institute of Near East and Gulf Military Analysis
  • Consultancies on political issues between Sultanate of Oman and Germany
  • Annual Meeting of the Arab-German Economic Forum

Participation’s : Participated many Meetings and Seminars

Languages known: Arabic and English

Social Status : Happily married having four children

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