Nepal Ambassador Message in Bangladesh

Message from Ambassador

Dear Friends,

Namaste and As-salamu Alaykum,  

A warm welcome to the website of the Embassy of Nepal in Dhaka!

Nepal and Bangladesh enjoy long-standing neighbourly relations based on the principles of equality, solidarity, mutual respect, and mutual benefit.  The increasing trends of friendly exchanges and cooperation between our two countries and peoples have opened up avenues for further collaboration in the areas of trade, transit, energy, tourism, education, and people-to-people contacts.

As an Embassy based in a close and friendly neighbouring country, we are conscious of the expectations of our peoples and our tremendous responsibility to further consolidate Nepal-Bangladesh relations. We remain committed to doing our part in deepening the bilateral ties in all spheres of cooperation.

This website provides information about major facets of Nepal-Bangladesh relationship and the Embassy’s activities and services.  As we strive to further improve our website, we would welcome your valuable suggestions and comments.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via email  and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates on the Embassy’s activities.

Ghanshyam Bhandari


Sources: Collected from the Website of Embassy of Nepal in Bangladesh

Message from Ambassador IWAMA Kiminori, Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh

On December 26, I presented credentials to His Excellency Mr. Md. Abdul Hamid, Honorable President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and began assuming my duty as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Bangladesh.

I feel honored to start undertaking my responsibility as Ambassador in the year of 2022, which marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Bangladesh. Throughout the year, there must have been moments to look back at progress over the last half century. Before coming to Bangladesh, I have learned that many Japanese have been involved and worked hard for the development of this country for 50 years as true friends of Bangladesh. I have also learned from a number of Japanese people who have close connections with Bangladesh that Bangladeshi people are not only working hard to develop the country but also possess great respects and affiliations for Japan and its nationals. As Ambassador, I am committed to make my best effort to strengthen our friendly relations, following this wonderful suit.

Most people I spoke to prior to my assignment, especially those in the economic field, expressed their interest in Bangladesh’s development over the past few years and their motivation to further strengthen relations with Bangladesh. In particular, in recent years, many mega projects contributing to the improvement of economic infrastructure are going on under the Bay of Bengal Industrial Growth Belt initiatives (BIG-B). Given this situation, the importance of Japan, as a major and largest development partner of Bangladesh, has been prospering. In addition, the Bangladesh’s economy has been steadily growing and the country is to graduate from LDC by 2026. Due to this rapid economic growth, I am feeling that there are increasing expectations from Japanese business circle to shift their interests from aiding to investing. As Ambassador, I would like to contribute to Bangladesh’s further economic growth by listening to and supporting Japanese companies interested in doing business in this country.

Despite the rising number of Japanese companies and Japanese nationals in Bangladesh, the memory of the terrorist attacks in 2016 remains strong. It is one of the most important responsibilities of the Embassy to gather and share information on the security situation in Bangladesh. We are committed to keep providing relevant information in a timely and appropriate manner.

The year 2023 marks the 51st year of diplomatic relations between Japan and Bangladesh. In other words, 2023 is the first year for the next 50 years. The government of Bangladesh aims to become a developed country by 2041. In order to achieve this goal, Bangladesh is attempting to overcome various challenges such as climate change, health, and education. As a friend of Bangladesh since its inception, we would like to consider possible cooperation and collaboration with all related actors to address challenges that Bangladesh is facing.

Before arriving to Bangladesh, I have come to know that Bangladesh has a rich culture passed on through many centuries with its Bengali language identity. During my tenure, as Ambassador, I am determined to learn the culture and history of Bangladesh and at the same time increase the understanding of Japan in Bangladesh.

IWAMA Kiminori
Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh

Sources: Collected from the Website of the Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh

Message from Ambassador Achim Tröster

Bangladesh is a young country of great potential with a highly dynamic economy. Germany stands by Bangladesh on its way of democratic and sustainable development.

Ambassador Achim Tröster

Ambassador’s Greetings of Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dhaka

The warmest of welcomes to the Website of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bangladesh

The ties between Korea and Bangladesh have, over the past 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1973, been widely promoted in various fields. The relationship is thriving in the political, economic, development cooperation and cultural realms, as well as people-to-people exchanges.

In particular, Korean companies have played a significant role in the development of the textile and ready-made garment (RMG) industries, which account for about 85% of the exports of Bangladesh. Korean companies have also demonstrated a leading role in the ongoing infrastructure development projects in Bangladesh. The history of the active part played by Korean companies over this considerable time serves as a valuable foundation for the deepening and broadening of the scope of the bilateral relations today.

Cumulative data demonstrates that Korea has become the 5th largest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) partner in Bangladesh, thanks to the invaluable roles played by Korean companies. Furthermore, Korea has emerged as a major destination for Bangladeshi expatriate workers – in 2023 approximately 10,000 workers will be employed in Korea through the Employment Permit System (EPS). In addition, Bangladesh is a priority development cooperation partner. Korea has been actively engaged in development cooperation projects in various fields such as agriculture, health, ICT, vocational training, and infrastructure development in Bangladesh.

The 8th most populous country in the world, Bangladesh has achieved high economic growth over the past decade. In response, Korean companies have consolidated their presence in the textile and ready-made garment (RMG) industry and, broadening the horizons, expanded into new areas such as infrastructure, electronics, electrical engineering and manufacturing. This has further deepened the ties of economic cooperation between the two countries in both qualitative and quantitative ways.

The Embassy will be delighted to continue to play a key bridging role to further develop the mutually beneficial relations between Korea and Bangladesh.

We kindly request your much appreciated attention and support for the further nurturing of the Korea-Bangladesh relations. We look to you for your continued wonderful cooperation and encouragement for the work and activities of the Embassy.

Thank you.

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea PARK Young Sik

Sources: Collected from the Website of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bangladesh

Message from the Head of Mission, Embassy of the State of Palestine, Dhaka


First of all, Thanks to the Government and People of Bangladesh for being beside Palestinians.

The relationship between Palestine and Bangladesh started since the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. As solitary representative of the Palestinian people, The P.L.O recognized Bangladesh from the early glory of 1971. People who fought and sacrificed their precious lives for the sake of the independence and liberty deserve not only our recognition but also the recognition of all nations in the world who are in favor of world peace & humanity. The foundation stone of the brotherly relationship was established by the two masters of freedom fighters – Yasser Arafat and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Bangladesh is the country that stood beside Palestine all the way through and all the time in every aspect. The People of Bangladesh fought side by side with their Palestinian brothers for the sake and protection of the values and principles. In this way, many Bangladeshi freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty of Palestine and Jerusalem. The Palestinian people and their leaders salute such sacrifice and bow their heads in respect to those martyrs who will always be remembered.

We will always feel proud of our brothers & sisters from Bangladesh and shall never forget the tremendous support that they have provided us since the very day of their liberation in 1971. As Palestinians, we shall always feel in debt of the favor of great Bangali leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, whose dynamic leadership established the relation between the two countries since then.

The people of Palestine also appreciate the continuous support of all other Bangladeshi Leaders especially Sheikh Hasina, the honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, who enkindled the torch of her father and walking through his path till today. With a view of supporting Palestine, Her eminent speech at the United Nations has played a significant impact in raising more and more support from other nations. As a diplomatic mission in Dhaka, our task is to develop this splendid brotherly tie between our two Governments and further enhance people-to-people relations.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, Alsalamu alaikum I am honored to share a very important news with you. The kind of support that we are receiving from Bangladesh Government as well as the people is unprecedented, we are receiving donation from thousands of people, of all classes and services including police, Army, civil services of Government officials, and their families coming every day to our Embassy to donate money plus people contributing through Nagad, Bkash and bank accounts to their brothers and sisters of Palestine. So far I have received hundreds and of thousands of emails, texts, telephone calls, WhatsApp messages, Facebook messages, and so on. This kind of nobility, dedication, and commitment is never seen anywhere in the world that I know of. May Allah reward the Great People of Bangladesh abundantly. Words would fall short to express my gratitude to the People and Government of Bangladesh. I thought of sharing this with you, my dear brothers and sisters. May Allah bless you all. May Almighty Allah give strength to my people to fulfill the task of protecting the first Qibla of Islam and the Holy land of Palestine.

Finally, I would like to reiterate my intention to make an all-out effort to further develop the existing brotherly relation between Palestine and Bangladesh.

Thank You

Yousef S. Y. Ramadan

Embassy of the State of Palestine, Dhaka-Bangladesh

Sources: Collected from the Website of the Embassy of the State of Palestine, Dhaka-Bangladesh

Message from the Ambassador of the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in Dhaka

H.E. Mr.  Rinchen Kuentsyl, Ambassador Bhutan to Bangladesh.

Welcome to the official website of the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh!

The special ties between Bhutan and Bangladesh date back to the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation. On December 6, 1971, Bhutan became the first country to recognize the independence of Bangladesh. Formal diplomatic relations between the neighboring countries were established on May 12, 1973, followed by the establishment of the respective resident missions in Thimphu and Dhaka in 1980.

The year 2021 is a historic year for both countries, the golden jubilee of the recognition of an independent Bangladesh by Bhutan. To mark this special occasion, Bhutan and Bangladesh signed a Preferential Trade Agreement, the first of its kind for both countries, on December 6, 2020. This was followed by a state visit to Bangladesh by Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Lotay Tshering in March 2021 to participate in the centennial birth anniversary celebrations of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, observed under the theme of “Mujib Borsho.”

Besides being a friendly neighbor, Bangladesh has increasingly become a major trading partner for Bhutan, and today it is the second largest export destination for Bhutan and the only country with whom Bhutan enjoys a trade surplus. While the two countries witnessed astronomical growth in the value of bilateral trade in recent years, with the figure attaining a record high of $90 million in 2019, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the otherwise burgeoning trade flow. Nevertheless, several efforts have been made over the past one year at different levels to revamp bilateral trade through improved trade facilitation and deeper multimodal connectivity.

Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the region, and its progress—characterized by remarkable GDP growth rates in recent years—has become an epitome of economic success, so much so that it is today dubbed the new Asian tiger. Bhutan and Bangladesh have walked similar development paths on the socio-economic front, and the two countries are slated to attain LDC graduation within the next five years. Therefore, the year 2021 not only provides the two countries a platform to celebrate the golden jubilee of the inception of bilateral relations but also a special opportunity to cherish the shared journey of socioeconomic progress.

The historic bond of friendship and cooperation between the two countries has come a long way, driven by frequent interactions at the highest levels of political leadership and enduring commercial and people-to-people ties. It is my sincere hope that our robust bilateral partnerships—embedded in goodwill, mutual understanding and a common purpose for shared prosperity—will further be strengthened and enter greater heights in the years ahead.

Tashi Delek!

September 15, 2021

Sources: Collected from the Website of the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in Dhaka.

Message from the Ambassador of Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Dhaka

Dear Guests of our Embassy’s website,

Türkiye recognized Bangladesh on 22 February 1974 shortly after its independence and the Turkish Embassy in Dhaka was opened in 1976 while the Embassy of Bangladesh in Ankara was inaugurated in 1981.

The Embassy is working towards furthering the close relations between the two countries, which are based on the historical bonds between the peoples of Türkiye and Bangladesh. Our primary goal is to strengthen our political, economic and cultural relations.

Relations between Turkish and Bengali nations have strong historical and cultural roots dating back before the foundation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Muslims of South Asia including the Bengalis, had supported the Turkish War of Independence. The respect and admiration for Atatürk is reflected in the epic poem “Kamal Pasha”, written by Kazi Nazrul Islam, National Poet of Bangladesh, in 1921. This poem has been on the curriculum in Bangladesh schools. Besides, one major avenue in Dhaka and another one in Chattogram have been named as “Kemal Atatürk Avenue”. In the same vein, the support of the Bengali people during the Turkish War of Independence is still remembered with gratitude by the Turkish people.

Turkish Airlines with its daily direct flights between Istanbul and Dhaka provides the opportunity to advance the economic, cultural and touristic exchanges with a view to further promoting the trade volume that is around 1,2 billion USD.

You can follow the activities of our Embassy through this website you are visiting, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Please feel free to contact us via our e-mail address as well.

With my best wishes to all of you.

Ramis Şen


Embassy Of The Republic Of Türkiye In Dhaka.

Sources: Collected from the Website of the Embassy Of The Republic Of Türkiye In Dhaka.

Lilly Nicholls, High Commissioner for Canada in Bangladesh

Welcome to the High Commission of Canada in Bangladesh!

I am honoured to represent Canada in Bangladesh, and look forward to building on 50 years of strong bilateral relations between our two countries.

Our friendship is long-lasting and multifaceted and based on our common values of democracy, justice, tolerance, and inclusion. We have a shared commitment to supporting global institutions, inclusive growth and development, and fostering diverse people-to-people ties.

Trade between our countries exceeds CAD$2 billion annually, based mostly on agricultural exports from Canada and imports of ready-made garments from Bangladesh. The potential to expand our commerce is significant. Both Canadians and Bangladeshis are natural innovators and connectors – perhaps because of the different harsh climatic realities facing each of our countries. I look forward to working with Canadian and Bangladeshi institutions to foster collaboration in various spheres and raise awareness about the great economic potential to grow joint business opportunities.

As a long standing international development partner, Canada teams up with international and local partners, to improve access to life-saving services, and to build resilience and capacities for Bangladeshi throughout the country, with a focus on the poorest communities, women at risk, and Rohingya refugees fleeing persecution.

Globally, Canada is committed to a feminist foreign policy and advancing Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development whose chief objective is to eradicate poverty, build a more peaceful, prosperous, and inclusive world, and ensure that “No One is Left Behind”.

Because my time in Bangladesh is taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, my priority is the health and safety of Canadians abroad. The High Commission of Canada in Bangladesh continues offering consular and emergency support services to Canadians living in or visiting Bangladesh who we encourage to sign up with the Registration of Canadians Abroad Service (ROCA) and check in with the Government of Canada’s website, for the latest travel advisories.

In addition, our team is committed to providing you — all of our clients in Bangladesh — with a range of information about Canada — whether you want to study in Canada, discover Canadian products and services, or to find out about visa and immigration services.

So, please do stay in touch and follow us on our website and social media platforms:

Facebook: @CanadainBangladesh
Twitter: @CanHCBangladesh

Lilly Nicholls

High Commissioner for Canada in Bangladesh

Date Modified: 2022-12-16

Sources: Collected from the Website of the High Commission of Canada in Bangladesh.

Message from the Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh

Welcome to the website of the Australian High Commission in Bangladesh.

It was an honour to have been appointed as Australia’s High Commissioner to Bangladesh in January 2020.

Australia was among the first countries in the world to recognise Bangladesh after it achieved independence in 1971. We are old friends, sharing Commonwealth ties, democratic traditions and people-to-people links.

Australia welcomes the continuing growth of its relationship with Bangladesh. Our two-way trade now stands at around $2.5bn, reflecting Bangladesh’s significant economic growth and our highly complementary commercial strengths.

Australia runs a significant development assistance programme in Bangladesh. Our focus is on education and building economic resilience with a strong focus on women’s empowerment and gender equality.

On our website you will find information about Australia’s foreign policy and development programs; trade and investment; visas and immigration; education in Australia; and answers to frequently asked questions.

The website also has consular advice for Australians in Bangladesh.

Sources: Collected from the Website of the Australian High Commission in Bangladesh

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Message from the Ambassador of Algeria Embassy in Dhaka


While I welcome you to browse the website of the Algerian Embassy in Bangladesh and we wait to listen from you in order to improve further to benefit from it more, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest pride in being the ambassador who was entrusted with the task of reopening the Algerian Embassy in Bangladesh.

The distinguished relationship between the Algerian people and the Bangladeshi people goes back to the early times of the establishment of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, where, at that time, a unique friendship arose between the late Haouri Boumediene and the father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Committed to this heavy legacy, I cannot help but do everything in my power to contribute, as much as possible, to strengthen fraternal relations between our two countries in all areas in order to improve further to benefit from it more.

I do not fail to extend my thanks and gratitude to everyone who has extended a helping hand to me, since my arrival in this friendly country, whose I have affection and respect for its Muslim people. My respectful greetings to all minorities in Bangladesh.

Sources: Collected from the Website of The Embassy Of Algeria Dhaka