H.E. Achim Tröster has returned to Bangladesh


Please allow me to duly forward in the attachment a scanned copy of Verbal Note No. 2/2024 dated January 2, 2024 by this Embassy on the return of H.E. Achim Tröster to Bangladesh.

Yours sincerely,

Pania Sander

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dhaka

German Ambassador H.E. Achim Tröster has returned to Bangladesh and resumed his duty.

Note verbale

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Ambassador of Argentina H.E. Mr. Marcelo CESA has returned to Bangladesh

Dear Concern,

Greetings from the Embassy of Argentina.

Please find attached Note Verbale regarding the resumption of duty of the Ambassador.

Best Regards,
Private Secretariat of the Ambassador
Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Bangladesh

Ambassador of Argentina H.E. Mr. Marcelo CESA has returned to Bangladesh

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