Ambassador of Argentina H.E. Mr. Marcelo CESA has returned to Bangladesh

Dear Concern,

Greetings from the Embassy of Argentina.

Please find attached Note Verbale regarding the resumption of duty of the Ambassador.

Best Regards,
Private Secretariat of the Ambassador
Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Bangladesh

Ambassador of Argentina H.E. Mr. Marcelo CESA has returned to Bangladesh

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Personal and Professional Profile of Oman Ambassador Abdul Ghaffar Bin Abdul Karim Al-Bulushi to Dhaka

Personal and Professional Profile

Name : H.E. Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Bin Abdul Karim Al-Bulushi

Date of Birth : 03/12/1964

Present position : Ambassador, Head of Mission.

Academic Qualifications: Obtained Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the University of Arizona.

Professional Experience:

  • Year 1988 : Appointed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and later joined the Cabinet of the Ministry.
  • Year 1990 : Transferred to the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, Washington.
  • Year 1998 : Deputy Head of Mission at the Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations Commission in Geneva.
  • Year 2004 : Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, Berlin
  • Year 2012 : Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, Rome.
  • Year 2018 : Minister Plenipotentiary at the Minister’s Office

Courses undertaken:

  • Second Meeting of the Contact Group to combat the Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS)
  • “NATO and the Middle East” at the Institute of Near East and Gulf Military Analysis
  • Consultancies on political issues between Sultanate of Oman and Germany
  • Annual Meeting of the Arab-German Economic Forum

Participation’s : Participated many Meetings and Seminars

Languages known: Arabic and English

Social Status : Happily married having four children