H.E. Mr. Seraya Ali Al-Qahtani, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Bangladesh is out of the country

Dear All, 

Greetings from the Embassy of the State of Qatar, Dhaka
Please find the attached Note Verbale regarding Excellency is out of country from 28.12.2023.
Thank you & Best Regards,
Embassy of the State of Qatar, Dhaka

H.E. Mr. Seraya Ali Al-Qahtani, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Bangladesh is out of the country.

Note Verbale

Click to Enlarge

H.E. Peter D. Haas, Ambassador to U.S. Embassy Dhaka, has returned and resumed charge of office on December 28, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from the U.S. Embassy Dhaka!

Please find attached herewith a Dip Note, informing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, all Diplomatic and Consular Missions and International Organizations that H.E. Peter D. Haas, Ambassador to U.S. Embassy Dhaka, has returned and resumed charge of office on December 28, 2023.


Nishat Tasneem (🗣)

Protocol Office

Embassy of the United States of America 

O: 88-02-5566 2000

E: DhakaProtocol@state.gov

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H.E. Peter D. Haas, Ambassador to U.S. Embassy Dhaka, has returned

Diplomat Note

Click to Enlarge