Banner Ads for Company

If you are interested to place a Banner Ad in our website to promote your Products and Services, you can contact with us. It can be for a new product or a new campaign of your company or brand. You can contact with us by sending an email to or call : 01783989949

Prices for Banner Ad

Listing Page Header : Banner Size W 1180 X H 150 for 30 Days – BDT 10000

Listing Are : 1. Sell 2. Exchange 3. Job 4. Property Rent. ( This Four Listing page your ad will visible for 30 Days).

Home Page: Banner size W300 x H150px for 1 Month TK1,000

All Ad Pages: Page Top or Page Footer: Banner size W1180 x H150px for 1 Month TK2,500

All Ad and All Search Pages: Before or After Ads: Banner size W1200 x H400px for 1 Month TK2,000

All Ad and All Search Pages: Before or After Side Bar: Banner size W300 x H600px for 1 Month TK1,500

Documents required for Banner Ad: Trade License or Company Certificate, Proof of Address, NID of responsible person and your Banner.

Note: Trading do not or will not do any Direct Sell of your Products and Services from