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Japan Extends BDT 14.7 Million to Two Grass-Roots Human Security Projects

জাপান সরকার গ্রাস রুটস হিউম্যান সিকিউরিটি প্রকল্পের আয়তায় দুই প্রকল্পের জন্য ১৪.৭ মিলিয়ন অর্থ সহায়তা প্রদান করেন / Japan Extends BDT 14.7 Million to Two Grass-Roots Human Security Projects

  The Government of Japan, on November 15, 2023, extended a grant of USD 135,508, which is approximately BDT 14.7 million to two Bangladeshi NGOs, SKS Foundation and Good Neighbors Bangladesh. H.E. Mr. IWAMA Kiminori, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh, signed the ‘Grant Contracts’ for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) at the Embassy of Japan with the respective organizations.

SKS Foundation has been awarded USD 82,027 as a grant for The Project for Procurement of Eye Care Equipment for SKS Eye Hospital in Gaibandha District. SKS Foundation has been working on various activities, such as local capacity building, reduction of climate change vulnerability, elimination of gender discrimination, and health/nutrition. With the assistance of the GGHSP funding, SKS Foundation will procure two eye care equipment (1 Optical Coherence Tomography and 1 Visual Field Analyzer) to provide quality and affordable eye care diagnosis and treatment in the targeted area.

H.E. Mr. IWAMA Kiminori, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh (right) with Mr. Rasel Ahmed Liton, Chief Executive, SKS Foundation.

The current situation of the medical service by SKS Eye Hospital in Gaibandha

    Good Neighbors Bangladesh has been awarded USD 53,481 as a grant for the Project for the Construction of Drinking Water Supply Facilities in Barguna District. Good Neighbors Bangladesh has been working on poverty, health, employment support, disaster risk reduction, etc. With the assistance of the GGHSP funding, Good Neighbors Bangladesh will construct a Drinking Water Supply Facilities to increase access to safe and sustainable drinking water in local communities and improve the lifestyles of local residents to make a difference in the current situation, where people are collecting unsafe drinking and daily use water from the communal wells and ponds in the targeted area.

H.E. Mr. IWAMA Kiminori, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh (right) with Mr. M Mainuddin Mainul, Country Director, Good Neighbors Bangladesh.

The current pond used for the drinking water in Barguna

    Japan has supported 215 NGO projects through its Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) since 1989 with the view to enhancing economic and social human security in the grass-roots levels. The total sum of these GGHSP grants extended to NGOs in Bangladesh to date amounts approximately to $16.9 Million.

Source : https://www.bd.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/11_000001_00862.html

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About Mohammed Showkat Akber

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