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Oman declares three-day mourning for Emir of Kuwait

Muscat: There will be a three-day mourning period across the Sultanate on the passing of the Emir of Kuwait.

A statement issued by the Diwan of Royal Court said, “‎Believing in God’s will and destiny, and with great emotion and sadness, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik received the news of the death of his late brother, His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the sisterly State of Kuwait, who was one of the Arab leaders who worked to serve the Arab and Islamic nations, and the advancement and prosperity of the sisterly State of Kuwait. ‎

His Majesty the Sultan issued his supreme orders ‎declaring official mourning, lowering of flags at half-mast, and suspending work in the government and private sectors for a period of three days, starting today, Saturday, December 16, 2023, and official work will resume on Tuesday, December 19, 2023. ‎

The Sultanate shares the grief of the leadership, government and people of the brothers in the State of Kuwait in their great affliction. To pray to God Almighty to shower the deceased with His vast mercy, to dwell him in His spacious gardens with the righteous and to grant his honorable family and the brotherly people of the State of Kuwait great patience and solace.”

Source : Times of Oman

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